
Photography for me is:

Transforming the outer reality

into something new

in which my soul can live and blossom.

Photography is a passion since my childhood. But 2012 I discovered the new possibilities of mobile devices and apps. It is so great because I can choose the kind of camera app which suits best for my motif. And the editing apps allow me to process my shot immediately. Mobile devices are always within reach. You are always ready for a shot. And you do not scare off people with your big "DSLR-weapon".

The Selfies: 

This genre is for me a playful world. Everything is possible. I am the actress in my own pictures. Expressing the language of my soul... with emotions, associations and allegories. I'm swimming in a colorful dream. Floating in a symbiotic world. Feeling one. Being the picture itself.

The Tryptichs: 

"Living in the Daily Flow of News" series.


Living in a kaleidoscope, living in layerings and transitions.

Mirroring, reconstructing, remembering and recreating me or the world around me.


"View of my Ancestors with a Macro Olloclip Lens" series

The Birds:

Feeling free as a bird. Flying lightly, quietly and elegant, over the fields, between the branches. Discrete or gorgeous colorful. Singing through the world. Singing to the sun. Singing through the night.

The Piano:

I love music and I have the chance to listen to the piano every day. In our house in the South of France my soulmate Orlando improvises, sings and composes his songs. So I am always surrounded by music. It is a wonderful world which fills my heart with happiness.

I am fascinated by the piano sound but also by its beautiful design and perfect construction. Thus it is one of my beloved photo motifs.

The Olive Trees, the Oaks & more fascinating Trees

I am fascinated by olive trees. Their trunks are impressive. Their leaves have a beautiful silver tone. And when they grow older and older they look like rugged sculptures. They seem to defy time and are majestical witnesses of a long past age.

"Shadows Alive" series

'There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast'

Charles Dickens

The Landscapes:

Vineyards, lavender fields, evergreen oak woods and olive groves. The fragrance of wild thyme and rosemary. Old stone villages built nestled into the hillsides or on the top of hills. This is the Drôme-Provençale where I live and which I love.

The Old Villages of the "Drôme Provençale":

Village Life:

I feel always like travelling back to long past times when I walk through the narrow and deserted streets of the medieval villages in the Drôme Provençale. Even when they are restored they behold their ancient look with stone walls and lavender-blue or green shutters. It seems that time stands still. Only few things remind me that we live today: the cars, the street signs and some of the shop logos. Even the kids look like children of earlier times.

Most of my village life photos are taken with a retro style camera app. The "C-Type Plate" look. I made this choice to accentuate the historic and timeless character of the french stone villages.

City Life:

The entire world seems to be around you. Everywhere people... walking, driving, biking... on motorcyclesskateboardskick scooters... people in cars, taxis, busses... babies in strollers... people on park benches, in shops, in bistros... people crossing the streets... waiting, eating, hurrying... the entire world seems to be in motion!

All images displayed on this and related sites are copyrighted

Vanessa Vox, Mobile Film & Photography 0